SHIFT with Intention ...and Soar!
Your Guide to Manifesting Your Best Life
Shift with Intention and Soar: Your guide to manifesting your best life is a collection of stories of 40+ men and women that have taken a time in their life where a shift in thinking, actions or behavior was necessary.
Cancer, car accidents, divorce, crippling self-sabotage – these are just a few of the adversities that the authors of this book were faced with before they had shifts that ultimately changed the course of their lives.
Through their heartfelt reflections, you will read about more than 40 pivotal moments that form the common denominator of this anthology: a shift into the giving and loving heart to help others.

1. Plan
Once you identify your goal, you need to construct a plan of action to reach that goal. Success is planned for… it doesn’t mean that the plan can’t change along the way, but in order to get started – set your outline of what needs to happen.
2. Commit
Once the plan is created, make an agreement with yourself to commit to the process. Promise yourself to follow through to the very best of your ability.
3. Execute
DO IT. If your plan never gets executed, then the results won’t happen either. Follow through with the promise you made to yourself. And remember, progress does not mean perfection. Keep progressing and never quit.
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