A Little About Me.
My name is Whitney Wiser, and I’m passionate about EMPOWERING people, especially women, to life their best life through fitness! I’m a Tennessee native who is an Entrepreneur, IFBB Pro Athlete & Olympian, an NPC Judge & Promoter and Certified Trainer and Nutritionist.
Growing up, sports such as basketball fueled my competitive nature and taught me the ability to work with a team toward a common goal. My interest in weight training kicked off in high school. After college, it then became a gateway to opening doors within the fitness industry from competing in over 30 Bodybuilding Bikini competitions, including the most prestigious stage in the world, The Olympia, to signing contract(s) with top Sports Nutrition companies to helping people transform their physiques and reach their overall health and fitness goals. My belief is that anything you want to achieve, physically or otherwise, starts with a strong mindset. A resilient mindset has to be cultivated first because where the mind goes, the body follows.
As my bodybuilding career was just on the rise in 2011, I faced a massive setback when I was hit and crushed under an SUV. This resulted in me having to undergo immediate emergency back surgery to fuse my spine together with steel rods and screws. I had to re-learn how to walk again, and build my body back from nothing to be a competitive athlete once again. Eventually I was still able to not only GET BACK UP, but come back stronger than ever by the grace of God. It was from that day forward that I knew God had a purpose for my life – to help others overcome serious setbacks with the right mindset.
With a positive mindset, WE ARE ALL CAPABLE OF ANYTHING.
The Power of Mindset: HOW TO OVERCOME
Turning Your Passion into Your Profession
Turning Your Greatest Trials into Your Greatest Testimony
Aligning Your Health with the Vision for Your Life

AFAA Certified Trainer (CPT)
Fitness Nutrition Specialization (FNS)
Behavior Change Specialist (BCS)
Fitness Course Focuses also in: Circuit Training;
Mental Toughness; Speed, Agility and Quickness Training
Mix 92.9 Morning Show – Workout Advisor, Weekly Guest
Oxygen Magazine- Athlete Spotlight Feature Sept/Oct 2018 Issue
Speaker at 2018, 2019, 2020 Conquering the Stage Workshops
The Abundance Formula Podcast – “How to Turn Your Greatest Trial into Your Greatest Testimony” and “How Fit Are Your Thoughts?”
Muscle & Fitness Hers online video contributor 2014-2015
Optimum Nutrition Sponsored Athlete 2015-2020
Defiance Fuel Sponsored Athlete